You’re Pursued

Uncomplicated Faith: It All Starts With God’s Pursuit

Faith can feel like a lot sometimes, can’t it? We’re told to live as disciples, pray without stopping, walk in obedience...and somewhere along the way, it starts to feel like we’re juggling a never-ending to-do list. Before we know it, faith becomes another box to check—a heavy burden instead of the life-giving connection it’s meant to be.

But what if we’ve been approaching it all wrong?
What if faith doesn’t actually start with us at all?

Here’s the truth: it doesn’t. Faith starts with God and His relentless, never-giving-up pursuit of us.

A God Who Pursues

One of my favorite reminders of this is in Psalm 23:6:
“Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

Did you catch that? God’s goodness and love actively pursue us. Not just on our good days. Not only when we have it all together. But every single day of our lives.

When we’re celebrating? He’s there.
When we’re heartbroken? He’s there.
When we’re messy, unsure, and feel like a hot mess express? Yep, He’s there too.

And here’s the best part: His pursuit isn’t conditional. It’s not about what we’ve done (or haven’t done). It’s all about who He is—a loving Father who longs to be close to His children.

From “Have To” Faith to “Get To” Faith

Understanding God’s pursuit changes everything. Suddenly, faith shifts from a list of “have to’s” to an invitation of “get to’s.”

  • “Have to” faith: I have to pray. I have to read my Bible. I have to go to church.

  • “Get to” faith: I get to pray and pour out my heart to the Creator of the universe. I get to open His Word and hear Him speak. I get to gather with others who remind me I’m not in this alone.

See the difference? It’s no longer about obligation; it’s about opportunity. God doesn’t want something from us—He wants something for us. He’s inviting us into relationship, not performance.

Seeing God’s Pursuit in Real Time

Let’s be honest: it’s easier to recognize God’s pursuit in the rearview mirror. Looking back, we can see how He was there in the hard seasons, weaving goodness into the mess.

But when you’re right in the thick of it—when life feels chaotic and overwhelming—it’s harder to see, isn’t it?

If that’s where you are right now, here are two simple practices to help you notice His pursuit:

  1. Start With Gratitude.
    Start small. Thank Him for your morning coffee or the fact that your kids actually put their shoes on without a fight. (A miracle in itself!) Gratitude shifts our focus, and when we look for His goodness, we’ll start to see it everywhere—even in the little things.

  2. Take One Baby Step.
    Faith isn’t about giant leaps; it’s about small, faithful steps. Whisper a quick prayer: “God, show me where You’re working.” Dust off your Bible and read a single verse*. Just one step forward can remind you He’s already with you.

The Heart of Uncomplicated Faith

Here’s the beauty: when we understand God’s pursuit, it simplifies everything. We don’t have to strive, earn, or prove our worth. He loved us first. He chose us before we could ever choose Him.

It’s all about recognizing God reaching for us.

So today, let’s rest in that truth. Let’s take a deep breath, release the pressure, and simply respond to His pursuit. And if all you can manage is one small step forward, that’s more than enough—because His goodness and love will meet you right there.

What’s one way you’ve seen God’s pursuit in your life lately? Share it in the comments—I’d love to hear your story and celebrate with you!

Keep the Conversation Going

Want to dive into more? Check out this weeks Podcast Episode where we dive into God’s pursuit in our lives!

See you next week as we continue to uncomplicated faith!

*I’m a big fan of the bible app’s verse of the day. You can set up push notifications so it pops up on your phone each day- or even set it us as a widget on your phone if you’re a fancy pants.


Uncomplicated: Application


Everyday Truths Podcast Launch