Uncomplicated: People Worth Following
We all follow someone. Whether we realize it or not, the people in our lives—our friends, mentors, pastors, influencers, and even the voices we consume on social media—shape the way we think, act, and grow.
Some of those voices encourage us, challenge us, and push us closer to the life we want to live. Others? Well, they might just be leading us in circles (or straight into a ditch).
So, how do we know who is truly worth following? How do we make sure we’re giving weight to the right voices in our lives?
Who Are You Following—And Why?
Let’s be honest: We don’t always stop to evaluate who has influence over us. Sometimes, we follow people out of habit. Other times, we’re drawn to certain voices because they validate how we already feel—or simply because they’re the loudest.
But if we want to grow in faith and in life, we need to be intentional about the voices we allow to shape us.
The Apostle Paul said,
1 Corinthians 11:1
Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.
So, let’s talk about the key characteristics of people worth following.
They Want Something FOR You, Not Just FROM You
People worth following are not just in it for what they can gain.
Think about the voices you’re listening to—are they adding value to your life, or are they draining you? Are they pushing you toward growth, or are they just trying to build their own platform?
People worth following are the ones who genuinely want to see you thrive. They encourage you, challenge you, and invest in your success without hidden agendas.
Philippians 2:3-4
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.
They Are Considerate of Your Needs
Ever had a conversation with someone who made you feel truly seen and understood? That’s a rare gift.
People worth following listen more than they speak. They consider your perspective instead of expecting you to fit into their mold.
When someone gives advice, do they take the time to understand you, or are they just dishing out generic wisdom? The best mentors and leaders meet you where you are and help guide you forward.
James 3:17
the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
They Live a Life You Aspire To
This one’s simple: If you wouldn’t trade places with someone in a certain area of life, why would you take advice from them in that area?
If you want to build a strong marriage, listen to people who have healthy, thriving relationships. If you want to grow in faith, follow those who walk with wisdom and integrity. The voices you follow should align with the kind of life you hope to live.
1 Corinthians 15
Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”
Their Guidance Aligns with Biblical Truth
Not all good advice is Godly advice. Some voices are convincing, polished, and persuasive—but if what they’re saying doesn’t align with what God has to say, it’s not wisdom worth following.
Matthew 7:15-16
Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them.
That means we don’t just accept words at face value. We weigh them against the truth of God’s Word.
Are the people influencing you leading you toward a deeper faith—or pulling you away from it?
They Equip, Not Control
The right people in your life don’t make you dependent on them—they help you grow. Healthy voices encourage you to think critically, build confidence, and navigate life with wisdom. They don’t demand blind trust or keep you reliant on them—they equip you to stand on your own.
Even better? The best people point you beyond themselves to something greater.
Psalm 118:8
It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in humans.
Those truly worth following don’t just offer wisdom—they help you seek God’s. They remind you that real security isn’t found in any one person, but in Him.
They Are Loving and Humble
This one is huge. If someone treats people as “less than,” if they dehumanize or mock others, they’re not someone worth following.
People worth following lead with love. They aren’t perfect, but they are humble. They don’t act like they have all the answers, and they’re willing to admit when they’re wrong.
They don’t just say the right things—they live them out.
Ephesians 4:1-2
I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
They Are Accountable and Trustworthy
No one is above accountability. We all need people who keep us in check, and the best leaders know this.
Someone worth following is open to correction. They don’t dodge responsibility or shift blame. They own their mistakes, apologize when necessary, and keep striving to grow.
If someone can’t be held accountable, they may not be someone worth following in your life.
Proverbs 27:17
As iron sharpens iron,
so one person sharpens another.
The right people welcome accountability because they know it makes them better.
How Do We Apply This?
If we want to live intentionally, we have to be thoughtful about the voices we follow. So here’s the challenge: Take inventory.
Who are the top five people influencing your life right now?
Do they reflect these qualities?
Are they leading you toward wisdom, faith, and growth—or are they leading you toward frustration, confusion, and distraction?
And here’s the big one: Are YOU someone worth following?
We don’t just need to choose our influences wisely—we need to be people who lead well. We need to be thoughtful about how we encourage, support, and guide those around us. Because whether we realize it or not, someone is following us.
So let’s be intentional. Let’s surround ourselves with people worth following. And let’s strive to be the kind of people who lead with wisdom, humility, and faith.
Want to Dive Deeper?
This episode of the podcast is packed with more insights on choosing the right influences.
And if this resonated with you, I’d love to hear your thoughts! Who are the people who have shaped your life the most? Send me an email! Or comment on any of my social platforms!